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Vitality in the Workplace Series #2

“I have no reason to complain, I chose each step that brought me here so why am I so unhappy?” Sound familiar? Purpose is one of the most sought after

The Stories that I Told Myself

Originally published on the occasion of International Women’s Day As a little girl I grew up in a family where everyone was trying to survive so I told myself that

Audio: Love is a State of Being

  As we bring the so called ‘month of love’ to an end, I would like to shine a bit of my own truth about the messiness of love. First

Vitality in the Workplace Series #1

Health Threat to Silicon Valley Companies I see a major underlying threat to companies’ health in the Silicon Valley. The workforce needs support in finding purpose and meaning in their

5 Tips for Dating as Busy Professionals

Working long hours? Looking for love? How on Earth will you find the time for yourself AND for dating!? You’re not alone! It’s a common theme in Silicon Valley: people

How to Survive Valentine’s Day

According to my team, the number one search on Vday is “how to survive Valentine’s day.” Well shit, talk about counterproductive, a day set to celebrate love and it winds

Special Edition: Neurology That Supports Effective Leadership

Here’s a bit of science jargon sprinkled with a simple application to keep you effectively flowing and peaceful. As much as we would like to push down or away from

Scheduling to Create an On Point Work Life Balance

Picture you’re just about to hit send on the last email of the day. The cold beer waiting for you at home is already on your mind; you can practically

How to Ditch the Habits Holding You Back

Imagine a dark piece of marbled oak wood in front of you. In your hand, you’re holding the stainless steel handle of an etching tool.   Now, picture yourself carving

Do You Get Stuck in Looped Thinking

Do you ever find yourself thinking the same frustrating thoughts? Does it feel like you’re stuck in a Groundhog Day of the mind? There’s actually a scientific explanation for looped


Series: A World Beyond Denying our Needs.

Needs: A Burgeoning Awareness Most of us would not say that we are particularly skilled at identifying our needs; even fewer would feel comfortable asking for their needs to be

Turning Vulnerability Into Respect

Vulnerability tends to be received like a dirty word. When vulnerability gets mentioned, it’s like all the air gets sucked out of the room. Vulnerability is also somewhat taboo to

5 Steps to Effective Goal Setting

  As we bring January to an end, how did you do with your New Year’s resolutions? Did they already get lost in your to do pile?? If so, it

Purpose & Wisdom

The phrase “you don’t know what you don’t know until you know it,” makes more and more sense with each passing day. There are moments that hit us out of

Effective Calendar & Time Management: 2018

Take a listen to my audio guide to Effective Calendaring & Time Management for a Fresh & Organized 2018!   For more help with the emotional part of calendaring (FOMO,


Goal Setting: The Allegory of the Hiker

Listen to Heather’s guided reflection on 2017 and goal-setting for 2018 Let’s close out 2017 with a touch of reflection and a mountain of intention. Let’s chart out where we’ve


Battling S.A.D.

Battling Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD) has been a lifelong challenge around this time of year when the wind chill is crisp and the clouds transform California’s gold to green. There

Beautiful railroad tracks with forest

If You Aren’t Motivated To Start It Now, Then It’s The Wrong Goal! How To Set 2017 Goals That Stick (Dec Newsl’t)

Okay, so we all fall victim to creating goals around what we think we “should” be doing. STOP it! As soon as you hear yourself thinking “I should______ (work out,

Do You Trust Yourself?

“Having never received any life coaching in the past, I was reluctant and hesitant to participate in a life coaching session, however, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself opening

Longest Testimonial Ever

How the Spiral Changed My Life By: Sasha Bailyn I really wanted to see the castle. Ever since we arrived in Bavaria, all I could think about was reaching this

Self-Love for Beginners

  Many people including myself, struggle with receiving and expressing love. How to express love? How to receive love? How to feel lovable? Here’s an outline to use as you

Three Little Steps to Happiness

I love helping people find real ways to transform the elusive pursuit of happiness into actionable steps to see lasting results. In other words, actions, not just talk and theory.

Stop “Shoulding” Yourself

Stop "shoulding" yourself! It's not helpful and it actually hinders your progress. When an unfavorable situation is noticed, people often jump straight to "I know I should" or "I know

Love That Body

I’d like to shed a little light on a new perspective about how to think about our bodies. We often grow up scrutinizing every little aspect of our bodies and

Clear Communication to Create Secure Attachment

With IFS (Internal Family Systems) & NVC (Non-Violent Communication) Integrated Here is the why Here is a personal example from my childhood that, I hope, will illustrate how we can

A 2-Step Process to Help With Anxiety When You’re Feeling Judged

Each time Kristy thought of going back home for the holidays, her stomach lurched and her chest felt tight. Kristy pictured the disapproving tense look on her mother’s face when

Transform Anxiety with Lovingkindness

The darkness had not yet been disrupted by the dawn. Emma sat draped in her vibrant patch quilt blanket. The aroma of mint drifted up through the steam, rousing her

Are you fulfilled in your relationships?

According to research, our relationships will be the number one predictor of our lifespan. Here are the typical responses that I hear when I ask, “Are you fulfilled in your

Vulnerability Is a B!tch

Have you ever felt that twinge of jealousy when you see a friend or (ex) partner having fun with someone else? In the past, I would feel a stab of

The Key to Relationship Growth

I don’t want to save you, I want to stand by your side while you save yourself. -Unknown The work in a relationship is to develop ourselves and let the

IFS + The Enneagram

This blog covers the intersection of two powerful modalities I use regularly in my coaching practice: I will share an overview of these two modalities, but let’s first start with

Perfectionism vs. Growth Mindset

Plus the new realization that’s turned my perfectionism on it’s head ???? The Realization: The perfectionistic mindset shift that can amplify your efficiency in a HUGE way! Perfectionism is like


She leaned against the wall, the vise-like restriction tightening from the inside out. She could sense the discomfort crawling up her throat and felt like she may throw up. Tears

A Simply Mindset Change to Stop Feeling Weighed Down by Past or Future

Danny’s gaze fell on the crystal hourglass set on the wooden table in front of her. She watched meditatively as the tiny grains of sparkling golden sand collectively flowed from

The Gratitude Waterfall

Here’s how I discovered my new favorite meditation! The Gratitude Waterfall. I stepped out of the car, onto the gravelly dirt road and let out a long exhale. Looking up,

Meeting Life’s Challenges with Softness and Strength

Imagine you just walked into work, you see your boss walking quickly towards you, one hand gripping a stack of papers, the other in a fist. Their mouth is tight,

You have everything you need already within you

Begin Your Journey To A More Confident & Authentic Life

If you are at a place where feeling supported in the changes ahead feels helpful, call me and we can explore how I can best support you.