Over the years, I have consistently noticed how clarity is the most common desire that clients seek.
Their eyes staring at me expectantly as they hold their breath, hoping that I have the answers: Whether to stay in the relationship, change the job, move to the new place, or whatever is causing them emotional anguish.
Of course, I never have the answers, that’s not my job. My job is to help them find their own clarity on how to stop suffering and start feeling the way they want to feel.
I often think about how I can most effectively assist in the discovery of clarity and, last Saturday morning I woke up with an idea. So I crept quietly out of bed to create the posts before my partner woke up. I shuffled into the kitchen and turned on the tea kettle. Then I poured a steamy cup of sweet mint tea and sat down at my computer to bring this idea to life and 30 Days of Emotional Clarity was born!
My goal is to help you understand how to shift from emotions that lead to suffering, into feeling free and clear to thrive.
Each day I will be posting a new behavior or habit to shift.
And, to make the transformation process fun, there will be GIVEAWAYS of some of my favorite wellness items and SPECIAL OFFERS throughout the 30 Day Shift because I believe everyone deserves access to wellness.
If you’re already following us, you’re already in! If not, click here to follow the campaign.
I look forward to embarking on this clarity adventure with you <3